For young children, the importance of eating well cannot be emphasised enough. The food habits that they develop can stay with them for years, so it’s vitally important to introduce sound routines from the very beginning. At Little Elms, each meal is carefully planned and freshly prepared by our trained chefs, using only the best, locally sourced ingredients – organic where possible – to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet. Meal times are happy occasions, with children encouraged to be sociable. Although we help your little ones to learn table manners and eat tidily, it all takes time and we don’t mind a bit of mess! We also use the herbs and produce grown by the children in the garden, encouraging them to try new tastes and textures. If your child has special dietary needs – such as having a food intolerance or requiring a vegetarian menu – we will be happy to accommodate them.

At Little Elms Daycare Nursery we believe that mealtimes should be a happy and social occasions for both the staff and children. Positive interactions should be shared at these times. We are committed to offering children with a healthy, nutritious and balanced meals and snacks which meet individual needs and requirements. We have a separate weaning menu for young babies.

Breakfast, lunch and tea are provided along with two snacks through the day. The menu includes 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables per day and fresh drinking water is constantly available. Individual dietary requirements and allergies that have been signed off by a doctor can be catered for at the nursery.

We ask that you do not bring food into the nursery for your child as this may cause allergic reactions to other children.